Summary of CSS Transitions

You should be familiar with most of the properties, but keep them organized as they may not be remembered during development.

Transition attribute

Propeties Explanation Example
transition-property Targeting the transition transition-property: width, height
transition-duration Targeting the transition transition-property: width, height
transition-timing-function Targeting the transition transition-property: width, height
transition-delay Targeting the transition transition-property: width, height
transition Targeting the transition transition-property: width, height

transition properties

Propeties Explanation Example
all All properties are transition targets. Default transition : all
none No properties change during transition transition : none
property name Specify the properties to apply the transition effect (background color, width, height, etc…) transition : width, height

transition-timing-function properties

Propeties Explanation Example
ease Start slowly at first, get faster, and finish slowly at the end. Default transition-timing-function : ease
linear Progress at the same speed from start to finish. transition-timing-function : linear
ease-in Start slowly transition-timing-function : ease-in
ease-out End slowly transition-timing-function : ease-out
ease-in-out Starts Slowly Ends Slowly transition-timing-function : ease-in-out
cubic-bezier(n,n,n,n) Define and use a Bezier function. n value is used only between 0 and 1 transition-timing-function : cubic-bezier(0.1, 0.5, 0.5, 0.2)